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Food Pairings & Tasting Notes

 Although we do not serve food at our brewery, we encourage you to use this helpful guide when planning your next beer and food pairing! So whether you're ordering delivery to enjoy at the brewery, or you're cooking a meal at home, simply click on the name of the beer that you're drinking to see our recommended food pairing!

Food Pairing

Tasting Notes

tags gold_7T EXPORT.png

Pairs well with just about anything, but especially well with pork, burgers, seared venison or any steak on the grill. While a bit on the maltier side, it is still bitter enough to go well with spicy or charred foods also.

Appearance - Deep straw yellow. Slight haze with brilliant lager clarity. White colored head.

Aroma - Malty sweetness. Grainy. Earthy. Medium Noble Hop aroma

Flavor - Same as aroma. Biscuity. Medium hop bitterness. Faint alcohol warmth

Mouthfeel - Medium-low body. Medium carbonation. Slightly dry finish. 

tags gold vol 2_APPLELICIOUS.png

Light foods, fish, chicken, salads, fruit tarts.

Appearance - Clear golden hue with lively carbonation.

Aroma - Freshly harvested apples with hints of sweet malt, teasing the senses.

Flavor - Juicy, sweet apple flavor balanced by smooth malt sweetness, creating a delightful harmony on the palate.

Mouthfeel - Light to medium body with refreshing carbonation, providing a clean and invigorating finish.

tags gold_ARROWHEAD (1).png

Flavorful cheeseburgers. The sweet malt brings out flavors in meat.

Appearance - Pale yellow. Brilliant clarity. Long lasting white head.

Aroma - Berry and citrus.

Flavor - Same as aroma. Clean fermentation profile.

Mouthfeel - Medium-full carbonation. Medium-light body.

tags gold_BAVARIAN HAZE.png

Smoked meats, Barbecues, Sweet/spicy ribs as well as a Summer Salad or Gruyere and Chèvre cheeses.

Appearance - Hazy pale yellow. White colored head.

Aroma - Strong bubblegum supported by a balance of banana and clove.

Flavor - Same as aroma. Dominant bubblegum.

Mouthfeel - Medium carbonation. Medium body.

tags gold vol 2_BLONDE RAZZ.png

Light foods, fish, chicken, salads, fruit tarts.

Appearance - Light pink, slight haze, white colored head.

Aroma - Strong raspberry sweetness.

Flavor - Same as aroma, faint tart-like raspberry bitterness, juicy, clean, faint dry finish.

Mouthfeel - Light body, medium carbonation.

tags gold_BLOOD OATH.png

Light foods, fish, chicken, salads, fruit tarts.

Appearance - Cloudy, orange hue with a white head.

Aroma - Blood orange, citrus.

Flavor - Same as aroma. Sweet finish, no bitterness.

Mouthfeel - Light body.

tags gold vol 2_BOCK TO THE FUTURE.png

Earthy cheeses, chocolate, caramel, game meats, pork and/or spicy dishes.

Appearance - Mahogany brown with lager-like clarity.

Aroma - Rich malty sweetness with balancing notes of toffee and caramel. No hop aroma.

Flavor - Identical to aroma, dry finish, no hop bitterness.

Mouthfeel - Medium-light body, medium carbonation.

tags gold_BOONTON BLUE (1).png

Anything spicy. Fatty cuts of beef.

Appearance - Dark purple.

Aroma - Blueberry and faint lemon.

Flavor - Blueberry, slight malt character on finish.

Mouthfeel - Medium-full carbonation.

tags gold_BREZEL (1).png

Sweet and savory BBQ pulled pork, roasted meat and game of all kinds, rich buttery cheeses.

Appearance - Deep copper to brown. Off white to tan colored head.

Aroma - Dominant maltiness, slight toast. Hints of toffee.

Flavor - Pretzle-like. Faint roast. Hop bitterness used to balance the dominant dark malts.

Mouthfeel - Medium body. Medium carbonation.

tags gold_CAMPFIRE.png

Dark beefy or venison stews, ox tail, creamy chowder, dark chocolate cakes and desserts.

Appearance - Medium/dark brown to almost black in color. Full, tan-colored head.

Aroma - Medium-light to medium-strong roast aroma, pronounced chocolate. Chocolate, light coffee, or lightly burnt character, malty richness.

Flavor - Smooth. Moderately strong roasted flavor, often with a chocolate and lightly burnt character, faint hazelnut. Medium to high bitterness, and a dry to medium-sweet finish.

Mouthfeel - Medium to medium-full body. Moderately low carbonation.

tags gold_CATHEDRAL GROVE.png

Spicy foods, Thai & Indian cuisine, chicken wings, cauliflower wings, chowder.

Appearance - Hazy pale yellow. White colored head.

Aroma - Dominant pine with tropical and citrus finish.

Flavor - Same as aroma.

Mouthfeel - Medium body. Medium carbonation.

tags gold_CHAIN MAIL  (1).png

Roasted root vegetables & pork shoulder, slow-braised beef stews or chili, barbecued beef, Oaxacan.

Appearance - Deep brown to black. Thick. Brownish mocha colored head.

Aroma - Chai spice with a balance of roasted chocolate and vanilla.

Flavor - Layered flavors of of chai, chocolate and vanilla beans.

Mouthfeel - Mouth coating. Full bodied. Medium carbonation.

tags gold_CHERRY BLUSH (1).png

Light white meats, duck, pork, sweet and sour dishes, salads with fruit dressing or any fruity desserts.

Appearance - Light purple to almost pink. Moderately clear. White colored head.

Aroma - Dominant Cherry sweetness. No hop aroma or bitterness.

Flavor - Same as aroma. Slight cherry tartness. Dry finish.

Mouthfeel - Light body. Medium carbonation.

tags gold vol 2_CHIEFTAIN'S WIT.png

Smoked salmon or trout, sushi, dim sum, ceviche, light seafood, white pizza and salads.

Appearance - Pale yellow, mild haze, white colored head.

Aroma - Clove, banana, faint bubblegum, spice.

Flavor - Identical to aroma, faint peppery/spice on the finish, dry finish.

Mouthfeel - Medium light body, medium carbonation.

tags gold_CITROM.png

Salty holiday hams, cured meats, earthy cheeses like Brie or Fresh Chevre.

Appearance - Faint hazy yellow. White colored head.

Aroma - Strong lemon notes.

Flavor - Strong lemon vest. Slightly tart. Malty finish.

Mouthfeel - Light body. High carbination.

tags gold vol 2_CLEAN SLATE.png

Sushi or lightly flavored seafood.

Appearance - Exhibits a very light yellow hue with a clear body and a white head.

Aroma - Emanates floral notes intertwined with hints of rice, evoking a sense of cleanliness.

Flavor - Offers a delicately floral essence with a subtle citrusy tannic finish.

Mouthfeel - Presents a medium-high level of carbonation, accompanied by a medium-bodied texture that culminates in a dry finish.

tags gold_DOLCE AMORE (1).png

Roasted foods, smoked foods, barbecued/grilled foods, salty foods, oysters, rich stews, braised dish.

Appearance - Deep brown. Off white colored head.

Aroma - Chocolate with notes of roast.

Flavor - Sweet, chocolatey maltiness. Cannoli-like. Faint coffee. Creamy and smooth.

Mouthfeel - Medium body. Medium carbonation.

tags gold_DOUBLE TRIPLE.png

Salmon, Mackerel, English peas, asparagus,artichokes, green onions, ramps, scapes, spring onions.

Appearance - Hazy bright orange.

Aroma - Pineapple and citrus notes.

Flavor - Hard candy. Melon. Tropical notes. No bitterness.

Mouthfeel - Soft, full body. Medium carbonation.

tags gold_DRAGAN.png

Peanuts, brown bread, honey butter, Manchego Cheese, dried fruit, honey-roasted cashews.

Appearance - Deep brown, almost black. Off white to tan colored head.

Aroma - Dominant coffee with chocolate and roast to balance.

Flavor - Roasty. Malty sweetness. Lingering chocolate. Medium hop bitterness. Dry finish.

Mouthfeel - Medium-full body. Medium carbonation.

tags gold_FREYA_S CHOICE.png

Tangy and subtly fruity cheddars, Leicester Cheddar, meat-lovers pizza, Mexican food.

Appearance - Hazy pale yellow. White colored head.

Aroma - Orange and grapefruit.

Flavor - Same as aroma. Strong tropical fruit. No hop bitterness.

Mouthfeel - Medium-light body. Medium carbonation.

tags gold_GAME ON.png

Pairs perfectly with classic American dishes (burgers, hotdogs, mac & cheese, ribs).

Appearance - Pale yellow. Brilliant clarity. Long lasting white head.

Aroma - Slightly fruity with a faint amount of cracker.

Flavor - Slightly malty, slightly fruity. Low hop character. Crisp with very low bitterness.

Mouthfeel - Low to medium low. Medium to medium-high carbonation. 

tags gold_GREENWOOD.png

Juicy steak, lamb or even a fatty salmon grilled to perfection or vegetables lightly charred on grill.

Appearance - Straw to yellow, sometimes with an orange hue. Hazy, often opaque.

Aroma - Intense hop aroma, typically with fruity qualities (emphasis on fruit, with ripe tropical fruit, stone fruit, and citrus).

Flavor - The hop flavor is high to very high, and reflects the same characteristics as the aroma. The perceived bitterness can be somewhat low. No harsh, hop-derived astringency.

Mouthfeel - Medium to medium-full body with a smooth character.

tags gold_GRIFFIN.png

Salmon, Mackerel, English peas, asparagus, artichokes, green onions, ramps, scapes, spring onions.

Appearance - Hazy pale yellow. White head.

Aroma - Coconut and lime.

Flavor - Same as aroma. Dominany coconut. Supportive tropical notes.

Mouthfeel - Full body. Medium carbonation.

tags gold vol 2_HADES DESTINY.png

Cured pork, Salty meats, Sea food, Tangy Cheeses.

Appearance - Presents a reddish-pink coloration, hinting at its unique character.

Aroma - Introduces the senses to a blend of raspberry and vanilla, creating an inviting olfactory experience.

Flavor - Unveils flavors dominated by raspberry and vanilla with a tart undertone, offering a distinctive taste profile.

Mouthfeel - Possesses a light to medium body, enhancing the overall drinking experience.

tags gold_HARVEST.png

Grilled sausages & chicken, pizza, smoked pork chops, Mexican or any hearty spicy food.

Appearance - Orange-amber. Brilliant clarity. Off white colored head.

Aroma - Dominant maltiness. Mild bread. Toast. Mild caramel.

Flavor - Similar to aroma. Malty. Bready. Mild hop bitterness. Clean fermentation profile.

Mouthfeel - Medium body. Medium carbonation.


Chili, Shepherd's pie, Turkey/apple/brie sandwich, Cranberry/walnut salad, Chicken Alfredo, and Mashed potatoes.

Appearance - Amber with a white head.

Aroma - Malty and pumpkin.

Flavor - Same as aroma. Mild sweetness.

Mouthfeel - Medium body. Medium carbonation. 

tags gold_HOP CRUSADE.png

Flavorful burgers, bold cheese, peppered bacon, grilled green chilies or BBQ sauce.

Appearance - Straw yellow, clear with a white head.

Aroma - Herbal, fruity, slightly malty.

Flavor - Grapefruit, floral, resin notes.

Mouthfeel - Medium body.

tags gold_HOP GAMBIT.png

Juicy burger or hot wings. Beef, pork, or lamb. Caramelized onions & bacon.

Appearance - Straw to yellow, sometimes with an orange hue. Hazy, often opaque.

Aroma - Intense hop aroma, with stone fruit, tropical fruit, citrus, or other fruity qualities; not grassy or herbal.

Flavor - High to very high fruity hop flavor, same descriptors as aroma. Low to medium malt flavor. No harsh, hop-derived astringency.

Mouthfeel - Medium to medium-full body. Medium carbonation. Smooth.

tags gold_HORIZON.png

Fruity foods, ribs, honey glazed ham, General Tso's chicken, salsa, fish.

Appearance - Hazy pale yellow. White head.

Aroma - Tropical fruit. Candy-like.

Flavor - Same as aroma. No hop bitterness.

Mouthfeel - Soft, medium body. Medium carbonation.

tags gold_HOT PAPRIKA (1).png

Chicken Paprikash, seafood, burgers, wings, spicy cuisine, barbecue pulled pork, pizza, brisket.

Appearance - Deep amber to coppery-brown in color, sometimes with a reddish hue. Moderately large off-white head with good retention. Generally quite clear.

Aroma - Dominant spicy characteristics from paprika, slightly toasted aromatics. Low to moderate hop aroma, Medium maltiness with slight caramel.

Flavor - Same as aroma. Medium high maltiness. Mild caramel sweetness. Medium bitterness.

Mouthfeel - Medium to medium-full body. Medium carbonation. Overall smooth finish without astringency.

tags gold_HUDSON.png

Turkey or tofurky, anything spicy, chili, fatty cuts of beef.

Appearance - Grapefruit red. White colored head.

Aroma - Cranberry tartness.

Flavor - Cranberry. Tart. Red berry. Lingering maltiness. Dry finish.

Mouthfeel - Light body. High carbonation.

tags gold_JAGUAR KNIGHT.png

Salsa, hot wings (chicken or cauliflower), Thai food and any other spicy varieties.

Appearance - Pale yellow. Brilliant clarity. Long lasting white head.

Aroma - Clean. Mild malt characteristics. 

Flavor - Crisp. Clean. Low hop bitterness. Dry finish.

Mouthfeel - Light body. Medium carbonation.

tags gold_JOHNNY BLACKBIRD.png

Rigo Jancsi Pastry above all, but a Chocolate espresso cake, cream puffs or dark chocolate truffles also pair well.

Appearance - Deep brown to black. White colored head.

Aroma - Rich chocolate and apricot notes.

Flavor - Same as aroma. Sweet and boozy.

Mouthfeel - Mouth coating. Full bodied. Medium carbonation.

tags gold vol 2_KINGS GAMBIT.png

Juicy burger or hot wings. Beef, pork, or lamb. Caramelized onions & bacon.

Appearance - Pours a hazy, golden-orange with a frothy white head that leaves good lacing on the glass.

Aroma - Strong tropical bouquet with scents of ripe mango, pineapple, and citrus, complemented by subtle pine and floral notes.

Flavor - Bold and intensely hoppy with vibrant fruit and citrus notes, featuring juicy hints of mango, passionfruit, and orange zest, balanced by a slight resinous bitterness.

Mouthfeel - Smooth and creamy with a medium to full body, moderate carbonation, and a slightly dry, lingering hoppy finish.

tags gold_KOKANILLA .png

Roasted foods, smoked foods, barbecued/grilled foods, salty foods, oysters, chocolate.

Appearance - Deep brown. Off white colored head.

Aroma - Coffee and chocolate with notes of roast and vanilla.

Flavor - Sweet, chocolatey maltiness. Faint coffee. Vanilla. Creamy and smooth.

Mouthfeel - Medium body. Medium carbonation.

tags gold_KRUMPUSZ.png

Charcuterie and cheese plate, apple or pumpkin pie.

Appearance - Dark brown to deep red. Off white colored head.

Aroma - Malty nose. Blend of winter spices (nutmeg, allspice). Alcohol warmth.

Flavor - Same as aroma. 

Mouthfeel - Medium-low body. High carbonation.

tags gold_LA GIOCONDA.png

Salsa, hot wings (chicken or cauliflower), Thai food and any other spicy varieties.

Appearance - Pale yellow. Brilliant clarity. Long lasting white head.

Aroma - Faint hoppiness. Citrusy.

Flavor - Same as aroma. Balanced. Clean. Dry finish.

Mouthfeel - Light body. High carbonation.

tags gold_LICENSE TO DILL (1).png

Any meal that you'd enjoy a pickle with!

Appearance - Pickle juice green.

Aroma - Dominant pickle with sweet and salty characteristics.

Flavor - Same as aroma. Pleasant tartness.

Mouthfeel - Light body. Medium carbonation.

tags gold_LIONSHEAD LAGER.png

Spicy food, American food, herby chicken dishes.

Appearance - Pale yellow. Brilliant clarity. Long lasting white head.

Aroma - Noble hop characteristics (woody, floral herbal).

Flavor - Crisp. Clean. Low hop bitterness. Dry finish.

Mouthfeel - Light body. High carbonation.

tags gold_LONGBOW.png

Salads, sea food, mild cheese plates.

Appearance - Deep mahogany. White colored head.

Aroma - Caramel. Toffee. Plum. Raisin.

Flavor - Same as aroma. Low hop bitterness.

Mouthfeel - Medium body. Medium carbonation.

tags gold_MAD ANTHONY.png

Meat pie, English cheese, burgers.

Appearance - Deep gold. White colored head.

Aroma - Piney. Resinous. Floral. Medium maltiness.

Flavor - Same as aroma. Mild maltiness. Elevated hop bitterness. 

Mouthfeel - Medium body. Medium carbonation.

tags gold vol 2_MAGENTA MIST.png

Pairs very well with cheeses of all types, strawberries, oranges, grilled chicken or a light salad.

Appearance - Light pink, brilliant clarity, white colored head.

Aroma - Faint grape, mild malt sweetness.

Flavor -  Same as aroma, faint hop bitterness, slightly dry finish.

Mouthfeel - Light body, medium carbonation.

tags gold_MAGIC CUBE.png

Fruity foods, ribs, honey glazed ham, General Tso's chicken, salsa, fish.

Appearance - Hazy pale yellow. White colored head.

Aroma - Strong tropcial and citrus notes. 

Flavor - Same as aroma. Low hop bitterness.

Mouthfeel - Full body. Medium carbonation.

tags gold_NAUTILUS.png

Grilled meats or portebello mushroom caps, spicy foods like Thai and Mexican.

Appearance - Medium amber to light copper color. Generally clear. Moderate off-white head with good retention.

Aroma - Moderate to high herbal, resinous, floral, or minty hops. Light fruitiness acceptable.  Low to moderate caramel or toasty malt supports the hops.

Flavor - Moderately malty with a pronounced hop bitterness. Dry finish. The malt character usually has toast (not roast) and caramel flavors. Low to moderately high hop flavor.

Mouthfeel - Medium-bodied. Medium to medium-high carbonation.

tags gold_ODINS SPRUCE (1).png

Grilled chicken sandwich or salad, salmon & fresh berries. Burger & fries. BBQ wings.

Appearance - Pale yellow. Brilliant clarity. Long lasting white head.

Aroma - Spruce tips. Moderately to moderately-high flowery, spicy, or herbal hops. Low to medium grainy, doughy malt character, faint sweetness. Clean fermentation profile. The hops should be forward, but not totally dominate the malt in the balance.

Flavor - Spruce tips and evergreen.Initial malt flavor quickly overcome with hop flavor and bitterness, leading into a dry, crisp finish. Malt and hop flavors similar to aroma (same descriptors and intensities). Medium to high bitterness. Balanced.

Mouthfeel - Medium-light body. Medium carbonation.


Chicken, salads, salmon, bratwurst, mild white Vermont cheddar, fresh berries.

Appearance - Medium yellow to deep gold color. Brilliant to very clear clarity. Dense, long-lasting, creamy white head.

Aroma - Medium bready maltiness. Medium floral, herbal, hop spice (Saaz hops).

Flavor - Soft Medium bready maltiness with floral notes. Balanced hop bitterness.

Mouthfeel - Medium body. Medium carbonation.

tags gold_PAPRIKA.png

Chicken Paprikash, seafood, burgers, wings, spicy cuisine, barbecue pulled pork, pizza, brisket.

Appearance - Deep amber to coppery-brown in color, sometimes with a reddish hue. Moderately large off-white head with good retention. Generally quite clear.

Aroma - Dominant spicy characteristics from paprika, slightly toasted aromatics. Low to moderate hop aroma, Medium maltiness with slight caramel.

Flavor - Same as aroma. Medium high maltiness. Mild caramel sweetness. Medium bitterness.

Mouthfeel - Medium to medium-full body. Medium carbonation. Overall smooth finish without astringency.

tags gold_PARADOX VII.png

Anything spicy & fatty cuts of beef like a ribeye.

Appearance - Hazy orange.

Aroma - Mango and lulo.

Flavor - Same as aroma. Sour and crisp. Slightly dry finish.

Mouthfeel - Medium body. High carbonation/

tags gold_PARTING SHOT (1).png

Anything spicy & fatty cuts of beef like a ribeye.

Appearance - Dark red, purple.

Aroma - Strong berry and red-fruit aroma.

Flavor - Same as aroma. Sour and crisp. Slightly dry finish.

Mouthfeel - Medium - full body. Medium plus carbonation.

tags gold_PASION DE LA PINA (1).png

Roast turkey or tofurky, anything spicy like fajitas or chili, fatty cuts of beef like a ribeye.

Appearance - Golden yellow with a white colored head.

Aroma - Fruity and faint tartness.

Flavor - Tart pineapple and passionfruit, slight sweetness, dry finish.

Mouthfeel - Light body, medium carbonation.

tags gold vol 2_PAWNS GAMBIT.png

Juicy burger or hot wings. Beef, pork, or lamb. Caramelized onions & bacon.

Appearance - Hazy golden-yellow with a persistent white head.​

Aroma - Intense hop aroma and fruity qualities like stone fruit, tropical fruit, and citrus, owing to Citra, Mosaic, and Motueka hops. 

Flavor - Mirrors the aroma, with high to very high fruity hop flavor, accompanied by low to medium malt flavor and no harsh astringency.

Mouthfeel - Smooth and creamy, medium-bodied with soft carbonation, and a clean, refreshing finish. Overall, a sessionable IPA bursting with tropical fruit goodness.

tags gold_PEACH OF MIND.png

Grilled chicken sandwich or salad, salmon & fresh berries. Burger & fries. BBQ wings.

Appearance - Pours a light, sun-kissed orange, evocative of a summer afternoon.

Aroma - Delicate aromas of ripe peach and subtle banana, inviting and refreshing.

Flavor - Bright peach flavors harmonize with a gentle hint of clove, creating a delightful and balanced profile.

Mouthfeel - Medium carbonation ensures a smooth and enjoyable drinking experience.

tags gold_PINES LAKE PILS.png

Grilled chicken sandwich or salad, salmon & fresh berries. Burger & fries. BBQ wings.

Appearance - Straw to deep yellow, brilliant to very clear, with a creamy, long-lasting white head.

Aroma - Moderately to moderately-high flowery, spicy, or herbal hops. Low to medium grainy, doughy malt character, faint sweetness. Clean fermentation profile. The hops should be forward, but not totally dominate the malt in the balance.

Flavor - Initial malt flavor quickly overcome with hop flavor and bitterness, leading into a dry, crisp finish. Malt and hop flavors similar to aroma (same descriptors and intensities). Medium to high bitterness. Balanced.

Mouthfeel - Medium-light body. Medium to high carbonation.

tags gold_PLUM AWAKENING.png

Plum dumplings (Szilvás gombóc), PB&J, raspberry jam, goat cheese, grilled pork loin chops, cherry jam.

Appearance - Hazy orange. Bright. 

Aroma - Dominant plum. Faint vanilla. Faint walnut.

Flavor - Same as aroma. Thick. Mouthcoating. Mild tartness.

Mouthfeel - Medium-full body. Medium carbonation.

tags gold_RED HAND.png

Shepherd's pie, Barbeques, Grilled chicken, Steak, Pecan cookies, Caramel cheesecake, Potato and cheese soup.

Appearance - Medium amber to medium reddish-copper color. Clear. Low off-white to tan colored head.

Aroma - Low to moderate malt aroma, either neutral-grainy or with a lightly caramelly-toasty-toffee character. Hop aroma is low earthy or floral to none. Quite clean.

Flavor - Hints of dark fruits. Slight roast. Should not clash with the malts. Mild sweetness and with a lingering dry finish.

Mouthfeel - Light to medium-low body. Medium carbonation. Not heavy.

tags gold_REKA (2).png

Burger full of flavor, bold cheeses, jalapeno poppers, BBQ ribs, spicy fajitas, curry.

Appearance - Clear, golden yellow, white colored head.

Aroma - Fruity. Dominant peach with apricot. Lime on the finish. 

Flavor - Same as aroma. Light. Crisp. Slight dry finish. Low hop bitterness. Clear lager finish.

Mouthfeel - Medium-low body. Medium carbonation.

tags gold_REQUIEM.png

Mexican,hearty spicy food, chicken, sausage, pork, mango or coconut flan, almond biscotti.

Appearance - Deep amber. White colored head.

Aroma - Moderate plus maltiness with balancing toast.

Flavor - Rich malt flavor. Medium hop bitterness to balance out the dominant malt presence. Soft, dry finish. Clean lager profile.

Mouthfeel - Medium body. Medium carbonation.

tags gold_RHINELAND.png

Fried chicken, lightly spiced Jamaican-style dishes, bratwurst, nutty cheeses, lighter desserts.

Appearance - Light gold. Brilliant clarity. White colored head. 

Aroma - Grainy-sweet maltiness.

Flavor - Delicate balance of maltiness, honey, bready. Medium hop bitterness. Soft, dry, slightly crisp finish. Clean lager profile.

Mouthfeel - Medium-low body. Medium carbination.

tags gold vol 2_ROSE GOLD.png

Mussels, Oysters, Lobster rolls and Salmon.

Appearance - Displays a pink hue complemented by an off-white head.

Aroma - Releases scents reminiscent of cherry, clove, and spice, lending an aromatic complexity.

Flavor - Delivers a tart cherry profile with underlying notes of banana and clove, contributing to a nuanced flavor profile.

Mouthfeel - Features a light-bodied texture accompanied by a subtle sweetness.

tags gold_ROYAL JADE (1).png

Grilled chicken sandwich or salad, salmon & fresh berries. Burger & fries. BBQ wings.

Appearance - Straw to deep yellow with a green tea hue. Brilliant to very clear. Creamy, long-lasting white head.

Aroma - Dominant, but not overpowering, green tea. Moderately to moderately-high flowery, spicy, or herbal hops. Low to medium grainy, doughy malt character, faint sweetness. Clean fermentation profile.

Flavor - Dominant, but not overpowering, green tea profile. Initial malt flavor quickly overcome with hop flavor and bitterness, leading into a dry, crisp finish. Malt and hop flavors similar to aroma (same descriptors and intensities). Medium to high bitterness. Balanced.

Mouthfeel - Medium-low body. Medium-high carbonation.

tags gold_SEA CHANT.png

Roast turkey or tofurky, anything spicy like fajitas or chili, fatty cuts of beef like a ribeye.

Appearance - Cloudy, pale yellow.

Aroma - Strong flavors of guava and curuba. Mild sweetness.

Flavor - Curuba, guava. Slightly malty finish with a balance of sweet and sour. 

Mouthfeel - Medium to medium full. Medium to medium high carbonation.


Gruyère, Emmental, Swiss cheeses, Cajun food, beef, sausage, seared foods.

Appearance - Pale gold. Clear. White colored head.

Aroma - Moderate grainy-sweet malt aroma. Low to moderately-low spicy, floral, or herbal hop aroma. Pleasant, clean fermentation profile, with malt dominating the balance. 

Flavor - Moderate grainy-sweet malt flavor supported by a low to medium-low bitterness. Soft and dry finish. Clean fermentation profile.

Mouthfeel - Medium body. Medium carbonation.


Juicy steak, well seasoned pork chops, foie gras, smoked goose, smoked cheeses and dark chocolate.

Appearance - Dark brown, almost black. Thick, creamy light brown head that does not disappear.

Aroma - Bold roastiness. Chocolate. Vanilla. Lingering sweetness.

Flavor - Roasty, chocolatey, smooth vanilla-like finish. Lingering dryness.

Mouthfeel - Full body. Medium carbonation. Mouthcoating. 

tags gold_SUN CHARIOT (1).png

Spicy food, American food, herby chicken dishes.

Appearance - Pale yellow. Brilliant clarity. Long lasting white head.

Aroma - Clean. Mild malt characteristics. 

Flavor - Crisp. Clean. Low hop bitterness. Dry finish.

Mouthfeel - Light body. Medium carbonation.

tags gold_THE BRITON.png

Fish and Chips, spicy, salty, and fried foods, burgers, roast chicken, pork, , mild cheese

Appearance - Dark yellow to pale orange, mild haze. Lager-like clarity. White colored head that diminishes due to low carbonation (the style calls for low carbonation

Aroma - Malty, light toast and caramel.

Flavor - Elevated bitterness but not harsh, earthy, mild maltiness, mild hop flavor, dry finish.

Mouthfeel - Low carbonation. Medium body

tags gold_THE PRIESTESS.png

Fruity foods, ribs, honey glazed ham, General Tso's chicken, salsa, fish.

Appearance - Hazy pale yellow, opaque, white colored head.

Aroma - Strong tropical fruit, pineapple, citrus, mango, slightly sweet.

Flavor - Dominant pineapple, bright citrus, medium hop bitterness, slight dry finish.

Mouthfeel - Medium-light body, medium carbonation.

tags gold_WOODWORKER.png

Spicy food, American food, herby chicken dishes.

Appearance - Light pale yellow, brilliant lager clarity, white colored head,

Aroma - Lemony, grassy, floral, faint hop aroma.

Flavor - Clean, floral, faint hop bitterness, dry finish.

Mouthfeel - Light body, medium carbonation.

tags gold_TIPSY BADGER.png

German or other hearty and/or spicy foods; smoked or grilled meat; sweet & creamy cheeses.

Appearance - Dark brown to deep red. Clear. Tan colored head.

Aroma - Moderate malt aroma, roasty (coffee-like), chocolate.

Flavor - Same as aroma. Medium hop bitterness. Dry finish. Clean lager character.

Mouthfeel - Medium body. Medium-high carbination.

tags gold_TOASTED MONK.png

Game meats, pork, potatoes, Mexican food, aged cheeses, prosciutto, custard, chocolate.

Appearance - Dark brown with hints of ruby. White head. 

Aroma - Intense maltiness. Dark fruit (plum, raisin).

Flavor - Rich, malty, bready. Clean lager fermentation profile.

Mouthfeel - Medium-full body. Medium carbonation.

tags gold_TREBUCHET.png

Comfort foods, seafood dishes, charcuterie boards, citrusy desserts.

Appearance - Pale gold, sometimes pale orange. Long-lasting, dense, rocky white to ivory head.

Aroma - A pleasantly aromatic mix of fruity-spicy yeast and hops. Low to moderately-high spicy notes are often like black pepper, not clove. Hops are low to moderate and have a continental character (spicy, floral, earthy, or fruity). Light graininess (hay-like).

Flavor - A balance of fruity and spicy yeast, hoppy bitterness, and grainy malt with moderate to high bitterness, and a very dry finish. Fruity and spicy aspects are medium-low to medium-high, and hop flavor is low to medium (same as aroma).

Mouthfeel - Light to medium-low body. Very high carbonation. Effervescent.

tags gold_UPSHOT.png

Lightly cooked mollusks like seared scallops in a faintly sweet sauce, white fish like sea bass.

Appearance - Pale amber. Good clarity. White head. Prominent lacing along the glass.

Aroma - Complex. Blend of banana chips, clove, peppery spice, and faint citrus.

Flavor - Similar to aroma. Medium hop bitterness. Dry finish.

Mouthfeel - Medium body. High carbonation.

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Strong spicy food (classic with curry), bold sweet desserts, milder blue cheeses such as Gorgonzola.

Appearance - Medium gold to light reddish-amber. Clear, but light haze allowable. Medium-sized, white to off-white head.

Aroma - A prominent to intense hop aroma often featuring American or New World hop characteristics (orange/citrus, floral, pine, faint resin, stone fruit, berry, or melon)  Low to medium-low clean, grainy maltiness supports the hop presentation. Generally clean fermentation profile.

Flavor - Medium to very high hop flavor (same as aroma). Low to medium-low clean and grainy maltiness, possibly with light caramel and toast flavors. Medium-high to very high bitterness. Dry to medium-dry finish. Hoppy, bitter aftertaste with supportive malt.

Mouthfeel - Medium-light to medium body, with a smooth texture.  Medium to medium-high carbonation. No harshness.


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